Healthcare Visibility.

Made Easy.

Enhance patient care and healthcare operations with real-time condition and location monitoring from hospital to home.

Request a demo to learn more

The Need for Healthcare Visibility

Tele-health / Remote patient monitoring

Monitor patient vital signs, activity, and health conditions outside the hospital

Asset management

Prevent loss; track equipment, status, safety and sanitation

Bedside hours

Capture staff time spent with patients and create skill mix audits

Chain of custody / Pharma monitoring

Tracking and environmental monitoring for controlled or short-dated pharmaceuticals.

Reliability maintenance

Condition monitoring provides alerts when maintenance is required to avoid costly failures

Predictive & operational analytics

Identify patterns in patient health, optimize operations, enhance procurement decisions

Healthcare Visibility Challenges

Expensive IoT hardware

Monitoring requires expensive hardware and gateway devices

Security & privacy
Security in patient data storage and transmission is critical

Infrastructure hurdles
Difficult to set up new infrastructure in large hospitals. Near impossible in smaller care centers and homes

Multiple systems
Need to gather details from multiple screens and piece it together

The Solution: Luna XIO

The right sensor for the right use case

Works on nearly all Bluetooth-enabled devices and tags. Choose the right
sensor for your monitoring needs

No additional infrastructure

Uses existing infrastructure (like employee phones). Transforms any Bluetooth-enabled device into a tracker and communication gateway

Feeds easily into existing systems

Integrates with existing EMRs, monitoring, and analytics applications seamlessly and securely

Certified Luna Partners

Next Level Real-Time Healthcare Visibility

Award-winning Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to Cloud Communication as a Service

  • Affordable & convenient: Leveraging existing infrastructure makes the system very affordable and delivers instant efficiency gains
  • Can stand-alone from local IT: Centrally provisioned and administered
  • No downtime: Basic set-up in less than a week, no changes to existing workflows required
  • Device and application agnostic: Connect any sensor/tracker to any application
  • Secure and seamless monitoring: Software-based gateways enable visibility wherever you need

Request a demo to learn how Luna can help you get real-time visibility within your healthcare operations.

Ability to leverage existing infrastructure, and ease of deployment make Luna very affordable.

Luna Provides

Location data

Know where your assets are-–from ‘where in the world’ to ‘where in this building’ (e.g.: for asset tracking)

Proximity data

Monitor when and how long sensors and gateways are close to each other (e.g., for skill mix analysis)

Secure communications

Any data delivered conveniently and securely (e.g., for patient monitoring)

Enterprise visibility

A single point of truth for all assets and patient information

Simple Set Up


Software installed with push of a button. Sensors attach easily

Example sensors

Healthcare staff go about their work as before. The app on their work phone automatically and securely communicates with the Luna servers feeding data to your organization.
*Includes home care setting


Data used for predictive and operational analytics

Dedicated gateways can fill-in when mobile gateways are not sufficient.

Luna Architecture

The award-winning Luna communication protocol provides end-to-end encryption such that Luna-enabled gateways (barcode scanners, mobile computers, etc.) are neutral and only relay encrypted data. The benefits are:

  • Zero Touch: The system just works. There is no need for any manual action–no ‘pairing.’
  • Zero Trust: Visibility even where you don’t control the network (in transit, in other care facilities, etc.)
  • Own Your Data: You own and control your data. No one else, including Luna, can access without your permission.

Ready to elevate your patient care and healthcare operations?

Fill in the form below and start your journey to enhanced visibility, efficiency, and patient care.